Youth Group

We have a Sunday Morning Bible Study class for 6 -12th grades. We are committed to teaching our young people biblical truth in a practical way. Pray as this ministry begins that God will use it to give our teens a heart to walk with the Lord the rest of their lives.

Sunday morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m.

Sunday night Youth Group 6 p.m. to 7p.m.

Tues. nights the Underground will be open for any and all teens who wish to come from 6:30p.m. - 8p.m.

Bible Study Groups

Women's Bible study ( W.O.W ) meets every other Tues. from 1 - 2:30 p.m.

Men's Bible study meets every other Thurs. from 5 - 7 p.m.

Young Adult Bible study meets once a month at 7 p.m.

For more information call Pat Sparks at 765-825-5921

Children's Ministry

We have Jr. Church for Children K-6th grade that goes on during the regular Church service.

New this year we have a children's club called JAM (Jesus and me) watch on the up coming events page for club get togethers, outings, parties ect. for times and places.

Ladies Mission Fellowship

The Ladies Mission Fellowship is committed to seeking God's will in all we do and to help others in need. We meet on the second Monday each month at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall from September through June. We conduct the Sweet Missions in November at the church chili supper where the proceeds are used to finance our pledge to the Indiana Baptist Women's State project and to assist a needy family at Christmas. We also support missions by supplying rolled bandages and other items in time of crisis throughout the world. We would like to invite all women of the church to attend our meetings for an exciting time of fellowship, devotion, and fun!

Music Ministry

At First Baptist Church we strive to worship the Lord God will all our heart, with our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength. Our Sunday morning worship is filled with a blend of contemporary music and great traditional hymns. With our pool of talented musicians and vocalists, we strive to allow those of our family to minister to us through their God-given gifts.

Each Easter, our choir prepares a cantata or an arrangement of choral pieces to minister to the congregation of First Baptist Church.

You will also see on our calendar that throughout the year, we host several musicians and groups to minister through music. We have been blessed in the past to have had Marty Goetz, the Shepard Hand bell Choir, Jimmy Dooley, and the Stamps Quartet

If you desire to minister in music please contact Rick Leisure....

Care Ministry

In an economy that is suffering from the lowest unemployment rate in years we have felt God's leading to help support the families in our community.

We assist with food baskets only

Assistance Hours Are: Wednesday 11:00 AM-1:00 PM

***Use the single-door entrance on Grand Ave and go up the stairs***